•3km Fun Run is organized by the EMT VENTURES SDN BHD.
•This event is opened to all residents aged 7 years to 59 years old.
•All participants are to ensure that all information submitted is complete and accurate.
•The confirmation of participation is ONLY VALID when payment of the registration fees is successfully made to Ilasso Tickets Sdn Bhd
•By confirmation of payment, the participants agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Organizer.
•Upon confirmation of participation, change to the category or other details will not be entertained.
•The Organizer reserves the right to limit, accept or reject any entries without prior notice and reasons.
•The Organizer reserves the right to close entries before deadline without any notice or when a quota of this challenge is full.
•The Organizer will inform the date of race pack collection via email. For race pack delivery, you may contact 016 930 6782 (Pennie) and 016 232 3942 (Jasmine)
•The T-shirt size is strictly based on the size selected by the participant during registration, any request for size change will not be entertained.
•Any notice sent to the email address registered with the Organizer shall be deemed as received by the Participant.
•If the Participant provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, or if the Organizer has ground to believe that such information is untrue, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, the Organizer may at any time suspend, revoke, cancel or terminate the Participant's registration for the Event or entitlement and fees will not be refunded.
•The Organizer will not entertain nor be in any way responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete or inaccurate entry details in the registration form.
•The Registered Parties affirm that they have read, understood and fully agreed to the terms and waiver, and they will give up substantial rights, including the rights to sue and to release all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law.